Saturday, August 18, 2007

For My Sister

I just recently starting reading and writing blogs. One thing that has surprised me is the number of couples that have a hard time getting pregnant. I have two children, my sister "D" has two and is pregnant with her third. My youngest sister "A" is pregnant with her first child. My sister "M" has been married for a couple of years now and desperately wants to be a mother. She would make such a great mother. Even after everything that happened to us growing up, she has turned out to be a wonderful, loving, Christian woman. She is fabulous with all of our kids. I want her to get pregnant so badly. I even offered to carry a baby for her. Invitro is very expensive and she doesn't have access to that kind of cash.

We don't know if anything is wrong with her. She does seem to have an irregular cycle, but that's all we can tell. She just hasn't become pregnant after two years of marriage.

We had a birthday party for me at her house today. I watched as she let the little ones help prepare the lasagna. How she is so good at just playing with kids and really getting down to their level. Her and her husband were considering taking in foster children. Due to some personal reasons they decided not persue that option. All we can do is pray for her and hope in God's own timing that somehow, some way she will get to be a mother. No one deserves it more than she does. Bett I am praying for you and I love you. I hope someday your dream comes true.

1 comment:

nananana07 said...

I too hope she will be a mom someday soon. She will be a great mom. I have always told her that. We just have to leave it in Gods hands and if it is to be he will give her a child. I too am praying for her and love her too.