Saturday, October 6, 2007

Saturday Errands

The DQ and I had some errands to run today. I have decided that I can't afford to fill two cars up with gas every week. The car that has gas in it is the one I drive. This week, Sissy's car had the gas in it, so I have been driving her car. Her car is a 1996 Ford Taurus. (I am not a Ford person, I used to always say that in this house, we don't buy Fords) This is why you never say never. I ended up getting a really good deal on the car, so I couldn't turn it down. Please don't give me a hard time about Fords. Some people are Ford people, some people are Chevy people and so on and so forth.

Back to the errands. First on our agenda was a little specialty shop that The DQ likes to go to. She has started collecting Webkinz. She loves them. They are stuffed animals that come with a secret code. With the secret code you can log on to the website and play games, feed your pet, earn money, and shop. We went in and The DQ picked out her lastest addition to the collection. We get back out to Sissy's car and I can't find the keys ANYWHERE. I am almost panicked. I knew I had them before we went into the store. I carry a pretty large purse and I start frantically digging around for the keys. When I can't find them, I reach in the back window and unlock the door. Then my arm gets stuck. Don't ask me how. I got it in there, but I sure couldn't get it out. Finally I get my arm unstuck and The DQ opens the back door.

My brilliant plan is that if I sit in the car and calm down, I will be able to dig around in my suitcase(purse) and find the keys. As soon as The DQ opens the back door, the car starts going, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, get the idea. I knew that the car had an anti theft system, I just didn't realize it still worked. Everyone knows that all that fancy stuff on cars doesn't work after the car is about six years old. For example, the window washer on my 02 Intrepid doesn't work. Well......the anti theft system works, and very well I might add. Now I am really close to completely freaking out.

The DQ goes back into the store and comes out with the keys. I don't know why it didn't occur to me that I might have set the keys on the counter. Obviously that should have been the first place I looked. Somehow in my mind they were in my purse and if I just kept digging, sooner or later they would appear, and would be well.

After this little escapade, I went and bought myself a smaller purse. Here is a list of items from my old purse:
3 different lip glosses
contact lens solution
contact case
hand sanitizer
allergy medicine
a various assortment of receipts
my cell phone
my set of keys to my car
a compact

Do I REALLY need to carry all this stuff around with me everywhere I go? NO. Here is the list of items I put in my new purse:
1 lip gloss
contact lens solution
contact case
hand sanitizer
allergy medicine
my cell phone
my set of keys to my car
a compact

Yep.....the only things I could bear to part with, were the receipts and two of the lip glosses. Why do I even bother I ask you?

1 comment:

HW said...

I carry huge purses. I basically carry a SACK-O-JUNK.
People tease me about it, but when someone needs a tylenol, or hand gel, or a safety pin, who do they come to? That's right? Miss SACK-O-JUNK!! And I always say something like "who's laughing now, with their little Barbie purse?"
Your list of contents cracked me up.